Tuesday, March 11, 2014

getting things done

My son and his new love are coming to visit tomorrow. In preparation for their arrival we have been getting things done around the house. Things that needed doing, but the arrival of guests have kicked us into gear. So far: put cupboard door back on in the kitchen, re-hung door to basement bedroom, fixed hall closet door, fixed rust in downstairs bathroom, vacuumed, dusted, swiffered everything (in the process fixed vacuum cleaner), recovered dining chairs, cleaned both bathrooms and kitchen top to bottom.

There are still things to do - another basement door to hang, tack down the loose carpet on the basement stairs, more vacuuming and swiffering (where do all those cobwebs come from?)and more dusting. I have made up two more boxes for goodwill in the process and cleaned out another junk drawer in my bedroom. I guess you could say we have been spring cleaning. I even managed to rake up the front yard and take a saw to the bush that has been encroaching on our driveway. So thanks to our son we are getting stuff done. This is good because next month our daughter will be visiting and the downstairs bedroom will be all nice for her too.

I am not sure why inertia sets in around us so hard and fast at times, and then with enough motivation we can get a lot done in quite a short amount of time. Of course in the doing we realize how many more things need to be done but that is a topic for another blog another day.

We are not as young and spry as we once were. My husband's knee acts up and he gets into positions sometimes that cause him much pain. My back can't take too much raking, or washing of ceilings at any one time, and I have to learn to say - 'For today, this is enough'. But still we soldier on, because it is important to do so. To not give in to the aging body, but to be mindful that we are not in our 20s, or 30s, or even 40s anymore. In fact in a year and a half I will join my husband in my 60s, and then in a couple of more years, God willing, he will be in his 70s. Where does the time go?

But for now, the house is quiet, and I am sitting on the couch with the sun streaming in. I feel like a cat curled up basking in the sunbeams. My daughter just phoned, my husband is off doing errands and it is just so quiet. Except the clacking of the keys as I put my thoughts down for today.
There is a new book to open, new words to discover and, yes, the sun to enjoy.

It is a good day.
I got some things done.

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